Church Ministries

As a People of the Worldwide Anglican Community and we celebrate Holy Eucharist, prayer services, baptisms, weddings, funerals and memorial services, as well as special holy days and seasons. Through preaching, music, prayers and the Eucharist our goal is to experience the love and presence of God in our lives.

We fulfill our ministry to both the church and the world by being: acolytes, chalice bearers, altar guild, flower guild, greeters & ushers, lectors & readers, sound system engineers.

We pray, support and encourage one another, especially in times of difficulty by hospital and home visitations, lay Eucharistic ministries, prayer chain, shawl ministry, caring minsters, and quilters.

We join in fellowship on Sundays by sharing coffee and goodies, prepared by the Mary/Martha Guild and ensure that the love and fellowship extends beyond funerals, baptisms, and special events celebrated in our Parish family.

We learn and support each other through:  women's prayer/support group, Godly Play for children in both English and Spanish, scrapbooking,  Daughters of the King and lending library.