We Have Many Opportunities To Serve During Worship

The Episcopal Church is richly blessed with many traditions that are incorporated into our services. Worship is an art form which is intentional and expressive, and it takes many people working together to make our services complete. We offer several opportunities for volunteers to get involved in the worship process. Several are listed here with information on how you can get involved.

- How would you like to serve?-

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the Sanctuary and Holy elements for the celebration of all worship services. The Guild is divided into work teams that take turns doing their “Holy Housework” on Saturday in preparation for the Sunday services.

Contact Kathy Watts for more information, or to volunteer.

Greeters & Ushers

Greeting and ushering is an awesome ministry. You have the opportunity to meet all those attending the service and to help newcomers experience the friendliness and warmth of our church. To those who faithfully greet you are amazing and your smiling faces are greatly appreciated. You present a reflection of God’s love for all who enter. Volunteers are always needed, and training is available. Interested? Contact Connie Bonnell.

Lector | Reader

Lectors help deliver the message of God through scripture and lead the congregation in the prayers of the people. In this way, we live out our mission as “intercessors”—a tie-in to our name as the congregation of Intercession. You have an opportunity to contribute to the worship services without requiring a large time commitment. Dates are assigned and scheduled on a rotating basis. Contactor John Zeaphey or Fidel Rodriguez for more information. With some basic instructions and some helpful hints, you’ll be ready to start!


The music we sing and listen to enhances our worship and is the result of many people offering their time and talent. All of the music at both our English and Spanish services is done by volunteers, and you can imagine we can always use more! Whether you participate on a weekly basis, or want to just perform on a special occasion, we can use your talent. If you are interested in “making a joyful noise unto the Lord,” with vocals or any instrument, please contact JoAnn Wilson. In addition, we have a Music Selection Committee to plan worship, and we would welcome anyone interested in serving in that capacity.

Jo Ann Wilson


An acolyte assists the priest during worship by carrying the cross down the aisle during processions and recessions, and by lighting altar candles. This ministry is open to all adults, and any child who is interested. This ministry offers a very fulfilling and gratifying way to serve God and your church. It is vital and doesn't take a large time commitment. If you are interested, please contact John Zeaphey

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Chalice Bearer

A Chalice Bearer assists the priest by administering the wine during Holy Communion. This is a very personal and reverent way to serve God and make a connection with the congregation.

We would be most willing to share more details about this servant ministry and to provide any necessary training. Please contact John Zeaphey for more information.