Who We Are

Gathered in worship - sent in prayer - to care for all.

If you are wondering who we are, our name is a good place to begin.

Intercession means to pray on behalf of others. We pray together and on our own, in weekly worship and in daily life. We pray regularly in our Sunday liturgy for those in need, local and global churches, community organizations, creation, people we know and love, and for people we will never meet. We believe that prayer shapes us and wakes us to love God and love others.

Episcopal means we are part of The Episcopal Church and part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. We are joined to other Episcopalians through our common worship. Episcopal worship is liturgical, meaning it follows an order, and sacramental, meaning the focus is on God’s grace made known to us in the Eucharist (Holy Communion) and baptism. Episcopalians are also known for being willing to ask questions together about God and how to live as faithful people.
Church means we are a community of faith. We gather together to support and be supported, to encourage and be encouraged, and to grow deeper in our connection to God. We leave this building ready to ‘seek and serve Christ in all people.’ We are a community of people of all ages, and from a variety of social and ethnic backgrounds. We worship regularly in both English and Spanish.

Intercession Episcopal Church is located at the corner of 100th Ave and Steele Street, in the midst of Thornton's fast-growing community. Our congregation is diverse and inclusive, welcoming people from all walks of life. We trust in the promise that God goes before us, Christ is with us, and the Spirit gives us what we need.

The hope is that whoever walks through the doors of this building, for whatever reason, will experience God's love for them.  

Throughout this time, the other aspects of parish life continue:

  • Worship is held weekly on Sunday mornings in English and in Spanish.

  • Lent, Holy Week, Easter, and Christmas worship provide additional opportunities for deepening our connection with God.

  • Faith Formation for adults and children on Sundays.

  • Caring Ministry continues its good work ministering to those who are facing a difficult life situation.

  • Eucharistic ministers take the meal to those unable to be in worship.

  • Fellowship on Sunday mornings and other special events brings us together to strengthen community life.

  • The Bishop's Committee meets monthly to care for daily operations and set a course for our life together.

  • Parishioners plan worship and music as well as prepare the sanctuary for weekly worship.

  • The building is cared for and the property around it maintained.

  • The garden is planted and the harvest shared with food banks as well as parishioners.